is me.

~The Parental Units Come Through
2004-07-02 - 9:35 p.m.

Whe-ell. You'll all (of the few who read this!) be pleased to know that I still have my car. (Thanks CassieKae for the good wishes, I think they must've helped!)

I took the car back home and Dad had a look at it. He managed to push, pull and gently beat most of it back into place - there wasn't much damage, anyway - and now there's only the slightest depression instead of a dent. So, hundreds have been saved on panel beating and labour and stuff, not to mention no days lost without my car or having to borrow Dianne's. We then went to the nearby wreckers and, after much almost fruitless searching, managed to find a matching indicactor-and-parking-light lense cover thingy. It has the slightest crack, so we got it for free! No cost to the repairs at all so far. (I had a massage later today and my masseur said that actually a car isn't legally roadworthy with a cracked light cover thing, but we figured that in the unlikely event of a police officer having cause to check my car, I would probably just be informed that it needed repair, because how would the police know that I was already aware of the crack? So long as it keeps the water out and isn't actually unsafe for driving - which having no light cover at all would've been - I can live with it.) Finally, we bought some touch-up paint for only $9 (although that cost is annoying, because I'm sure Dianne gave me a can from when she used to own the car, but I couldn't find it for all my searching!). So, after all of that, my repair job only cost me $9! Pretty happy Jan here right now!

Now I'm back at my temporary "home" and stuffed full of yummy lamb roast that Mummykins made for me. Yay for parents! Cheer it with me if you can't live without your Mum/Dad/Parental Equivalent/s - YAYY!

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All content copyright Janette 2003. Headings from Sway by Bic Runga and Forgive Me by Evanescence.