is me.

2005-01-21 - 10:59 p.m.

Blah-de-blah. I'm gettin' a car. Ooh, that rhym-ed.

I'm gettin' a silver, automatic Toyota Corolla Ascent go me! *edit* SEDAN *edit* $20,000 brand new with no extra charges after Dad's Toyota employee discount.

I think I have a healthy relationship with grammar and spelling, don't you? Does grammar include punctuation, or is punctuation above and beyond? Should I really say I have a healthy relationship with grammar and punctuation and spellin'. Coz I'm a-lazy speaking in my head and I feel like typin' like that...but I'm not really ignorin' the grammarness much, nor ze punc-a-too-uation.

I suppose one walk really can make all the difference? Walked last night, slept better, woke up feeling refreshed. Of course, I dozed happily til around 10:40am, then proceeded to daydream the morning away.

I'll tell you a secret. I like making up Jane Austen/Georgette Heyer-like romances in my head. Just nice, frivolous things where two people fall in love and by the end they're all devoted to each other. It gives me the warm fuzzies. And I make up all these witty conversations, that aren't really witty, but would be if I was wittier.

"INFPs can even masquerade in their ESTJ business suit, but not without expending considerable energy."

This is so true.

And it's interesting how Homer and The Virgin Mary, to name but two, are all INFPs as well. I didn't know they'd translated the Myer-Briggs type indicator into ancient Greek and Hebrew that many thousand years ago! Isn't it nice that they took time out of writing epic poetry and raising the Son of God to take the test?

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All content copyright Janette 2003. Headings from Sway by Bic Runga and Forgive Me by Evanescence.