is me.

2004-10-31 - 12:08 p.m.


I am sooooo glad the parents are gone!

I was watching a bit of Auction Squad last night and they turned the garage in the backyard into a gooorgeous lounge-living space. What I thought was that I wish I had somewhere like that - or that Dad did! Of course, I've got to the age and financial status where if I don't like it I should just leave, but I'm not ready to leave yet. I'm almost ready, but still not quite ready. I don't know, perhaps if I had a really good friend who was interested in moving out into the same area as I then I'd go now, but I don't really have anyone I'd want to live with who is in the position of needing to look for a place, anyway. And there are so few people I'd want to live with. I could see myself living with...Viv, Emma...maybe Maree..probably Leonie. And, Amber, if you wanted to come and look for a place in Australia instead of Clarion, I'd move out with you in a flash! But Viv is a city girl and not really in the financial position to move out, anyway, Leonie's life is on the other side of town. Emma and Maree would be the most likely, as they work at schools only about 10-15 minutes from mine, so we could live in a mutually conducive location for commuting to work, but I don't think either of them want to move further out into the suburbs, if for no other reason than because Maree's got Brendan living about 15 minutes away and Emma's got Sally and their Nana living a similar distance.

So yes, pretty much when I move out, it'll be on my own. I think, apart from any other personal readiness issues, I'm not ready to take the total brunt of rent and other house bills all on my own. At least if I shared a house I'd only have to pay half the rent, half the electricity, gas, water and council rates bills. And internet! And that's the other thing, if I move out I've still got to have ADSL, because I can't live without it. And I'd probably want to get myself a new computer.

There was more to this, but I turned the computer off because I had an awwwwful stabby headache and didn't want to finish it.

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All content copyright Janette 2003. Headings from Sway by Bic Runga and Forgive Me by Evanescence.