is me.

2005-01-09 - 5:06 p.m.

I think I might try to update my diary or blog properly every day from now on. It may not be both, it may just be a few lines in my blog, but I was looking at my journal entries for the past year and I really only wrote about two entries a month, which I don't think is really very satisfying. I know that once I get back to work I won't have the energy to write every day, but if I've already got myself into the habit of updating even a few lines of my blog every day, then it'll be a lot easier, a lot more natural, to just sit down and type out a few things. Besides, the hardest part is usually starting. And the whole point of my blog was so that I didn't always have to feel that my entries had to be substantial. Sometimes, pre-blog, I'd sit down and type a paragraph and then have nothing more to say, so I wouldn't bother posting it. Now, if I type out only a paragraph I can slip it happily into my blog, no worries.

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All content copyright Janette 2003. Headings from Sway by Bic Runga and Forgive Me by Evanescence.