is me.

~Some Stuff
2005-01-31 - 10:44 p.m.

Well, that was nice. I just had a chat for about fourty minutes with my sister. Of course, it was all pretty much about her, but it often feels that we don't really have anything to talk about anymore. I tend to think that what we had in common was living together and now we don't have anything in common. What I miss about Dianne living here is the way we would be sponatenously silly. That's not something that generally happens on a "visit". I guess it's kind of the same thing I miss about seeing Emma everyday at school or uni. At least, though, Emma and I can still chat endlessly about teaching or enjoy sitting down and "jammin'".

Oh, that's funny. I needed to go to the toilet (and she seemed to have wound down), so I handed Dianne over to Mum, and now I hear Mum talking about Cinema stuff with Dianne. Which means Dianne's telling exactly the same story about possible-maybe shuffles of managers between the cinema complexes that she spent 20 minutes disucussing with me. Well, mostly monologueing.

I suppose I should talk about school, since I'm trying to keep this more properly updated and one of the biggest put-offs is how I always have to do so much explaining about school things. I wouldn't have to explain so much if I'd already introduced things in spits and spurts, would I? (I don't think spits and spurts is quite right, but it's what my mind said, so I typed it.)

School is basically good. I already feel like a slacker, not having all my week planned, unlike...*searches for psuedonym used* Marcie?? God, that's an awful name! Well, er,, I just can't do it. I shall have to think of a better one. Rae will do. Aaanyway. Rae is one of the teachers who taught 3/4 last year. She's moved into Lien's room, which means we effectively share a big double one with both of the 3/4 grades. Lien has moved to P/1/2, which I think is rather challenging, but she seemed willing, so sooner her than I!

The good thing about working with Rae is that she's more experienced and loves sharing her ideas. The not so good thing is that she's very efficient and organised and a little set in her ways. I've been rather nervous approaching teaching and planning with her because I'm so disorganised, at least with things physically, and am certainly not as organised or efficient with planning and so forth as she is. I also know that I'm still learning, so my experience and skill won't match hers. I've been feeling very self-conscious, because she's not really afraid to speak her mind. However, so far she's been very nice. She's shared all of her things with me and hasn't really seemed to mind at all when I teach things a different way - not always a better way, but often, actually, a way more in keeping with the open-ended, Early Years Literacy way things are supposed to be taught at this school.

(At this point I left the compy to go for a walk.)

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All content copyright Janette 2003. Headings from Sway by Bic Runga and Forgive Me by Evanescence.