is me.

~Grey Days of Rain and Wind
2005-02-02 - 7:16 p.m.

Yesterday got to 36C and we had the air conditioners on all day. I abhorred the fact that I had yard duty in such stinking hot weater, but I love our air conditioners! Last night it started raining and it's been pouring all day, without a break. It's really strong and gusty right now. This morning we put the heaters on and it's currently 12.5C. Isn't that crazy for a Summer day? Well, I suppose that's Melbourne weather for you. Never pack your winter clothes away too far. Of course, it will get hot again before the milder weather kicks in properly, but we've got about four cool and rainy days ahead in the immediate future.

Of course, the worst part about this is that the kids were inside all day today and will probably be til the end of the week. And I think I'll have worse cabin fever than they! Today our unit got APT til lunchtime to make up for us having no normal specialist classes this week, so I didn't have to deal with the kids for too long! Also, this year our school is beginning to have a Vietnamese teacher in two days a week. Because we're still seeing how it all goes, our unit is having two 45min Vietnamese sessions on Thursday and Friday consecutively and next term another unit will have it. I'm sad that we won't have it all year, but I'm really looking forward to it. More than that, one of the 45min sessions we get to have APT and, because this guy is new and hasn't really started yet and all of that, he's not involved with all the extra things the other specialists have to do this week, so we get to start Vietnamese tomorrow, instead of waiting til next week. That means we get our 45mins APT on Friday, too!

I need one of those birthday count-downers. EDIT: Laney, that's a very, very good analogy! Viv, I have no idea, but I try not to say names of places so I can talk freely. *hugs* At the moment Dianne is moving from her current complex but it's not decided where, yet.

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All content copyright Janette 2003. Headings from Sway by Bic Runga and Forgive Me by Evanescence.