is me.

~Now I Feel Guiltyguiltyguilty
2006-01-25 - 3:10 p.m.

Tomorrow is supposed to be 41 degrees celcius.

Maree invited everyone around tomorrow, which is Australia Day, for a BBQ in the evening. I don't intend to go, because 41 degrees, with about 33 the next day, means that it's definitely not going to cool down at all and will be rather unbearable.

However, Judith has organised for Bronwyn & Emma to go to Torquay tomorrow and I've had to say I can't go.

Seriously, if you don't have an air conditioner, maybe going down the coast sounds appealing, but wandering around outside at a very popular tourist destination on a public holiday in 41 degree heat is just not an option for me. For a start, we have air conditioning. Secondly, I always get tired and migrainey in hot & sunny weather.

The problem really is that Bron & Em said yes before I said no, and that Judith was persistent in wanting details about why I couldn't go. And it sounds LAME. It's not lame, but it sounds it. So now I feel really bad that I'm bailing, apart from feeling a little disappointed at missing out on a thingy.

But then, if I could spend a whole day out in that weather, then I really should be going to Maree's BBQ instead! I mean, if it wasn't so hot, I would be going to the BBQ, so it seems horrible to say that I can't put up with the heat for Maree but can put up with it for Judith & Bronwyn!

(Oh, and 41 degrees celcius is 105.8 degrees Fahrenheit.)

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All content copyright Janette 2003. Headings from Sway by Bic Runga and Forgive Me by Evanescence.