is me.

2004-03-28 - 5:57 p.m.

Thinking about Prisoner of Azkaban coming out in June, as well as (I think) just a general change of interest, has had me thinking once again about my Hogwarts RPG. I've been badly, badly, badly neglecting it, and will attempt to get it running independently over the coming holidays.

However, reading New Spring the novel has me longing to WoT RPG, or at least fanwrite, again. I never really lost inspiration for either series, really, I just lost motivation to actually keep up a character. I didn't get online at all from Monday-Thursday last week because I came home late and didn't have the physical energy to sit up at the computer, even if I'd had the mental energy. I've been finding my imagination sprouting and growing story ideas for the last few weeks, but reading New Spring seems to have given that creativity a bit of focus.

Unlike some of the Wheel of Time readers, I haven't become uninterested or jaded over the stories. I have, however, been slightly disappointed with the standard of composition for the last few books. There isn't the same sense of excitement, nor is there the same sparkle to the characters I've loved (or at least enjoyed reading). With New Spring, I've found it hard to put down. Not only has he regained that quality of plot composition, clarity of purpose and gentleness on characters, but I've missed Moiraine.

In the early books, I found her frustrating from the point of view of the younger characters, but I always really liked Moiraine. She had grace, poise, intelligence, integrity and, even if she sometimes did some harsh things, real consideration. If she ignored anyone's wishes or needs, it was because she understood that there was something greater at stake and really cared about that. She cared so much that she would humble herself and even sacrifice herself to protect others. One could argue that she wanted to control Rand herself, but she would've been happy to hand him over to Siuan's care if she could have managed it. She simply thought it was too important that he was protected and guided genuinely to trust him to just anybody in the White Tower, or to let him face the world (and the White Tower) alone. She was cool! I like having Moiraine back. I want Moiraine back!

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All content copyright Janette 2003. Headings from Sway by Bic Runga and Forgive Me by Evanescence.