is me.

~From Two Days Ago
2004-04-13 - 11:49 a.m.

With, when you have done a certain number of online readings and saved them in your journal, it analyses the trends and things. It's interesting that the suit that comes up the most frequently is Wands - interesting for two reasons. I can't say why, but right from the start, wands/staffs has been my favourite suit. I've been drawn to it for no clear reason. So in that sense it's interesting that it's coming up the most. What is funny about this is that Wands is Fire, which is probably the element I least feel an affinity for. Of course, all of this is just theoretical esoteric, but I have, through Tarot, through reading fantasy books, through role playing Aes Sedai with various strengths, always felt fire was one I liked least. I've always been a rather air/water(/spirit) kind of girl. And I am a Pisces. I also have a bit of a fear of real fire (although I'm ok with candles and things, it's not a phobia, more a paranoia on a larger scale. One of my worst fears would be to be burnt alive - hopefully, I'd pass out from smoke inhilation first. Yick.). Maybe there's more of that idea of what Fire represents in me than I like to admit? More passion and enthusiasm and...actually, the more I think about it, the more I'm like Fire than Air. Air signs are rather...*cough*boring*cough*....Fire mean following impulses and intuition. I'm not really impulsive, but I am instinctive.

Astrological influences are Aquarius (pah...that's an Air sign, by the way) and the Moon. Whee I love the Moon. It's one of the tarot cards I instinctively relate to.

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All content copyright Janette 2003. Headings from Sway by Bic Runga and Forgive Me by Evanescence.