is me.

2004-05-16 - 1:35 p.m.

Yes, so, did I mention that I went to the doctor's? My two normal doctors weren't available (we have a family doctor, and more recently I've been seeing one of the other long-established doctors at the same clinic). So I saw a newish doctor (not a new doctor, just newish to the clinic) and she said that I had sinusitis brought on by hayfever.

I've never shown any symptoms of hayfever, so this is a bit of a surprise, but it would explain why I've been able to keep plugging away at school. Normally if I even have a cold it drains my whole body of energy and I need a few days off.

Anyway, I think I might go back to my normal doctor if this doesn't get any better. I've tried the two types of over-the-coutner hayfever medication the doctor recommended, as well as keeping up the fluids and eucalyptus steam head-bath things, but I'm feeling more uncomfortable than when I saw her on Thursday. Sleeping badly, too, because I'm congested in my chest and can't breathe through my nose. So, we'll see. My normal doctor might be able to prescribe something else - or maybe it's not just hayfever after all.

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All content copyright Janette 2003. Headings from Sway by Bic Runga and Forgive Me by Evanescence.