is me.

~Doesn't It Seem Peculiar?
2005-02-05 - 5:12 p.m.

I feel strange.

Last night Mum & I went to Tim's 25th at Dianne & Tim's place. They had a lot of people there, friends and family. It was a very nice night. I had a good chat early on with my cousin Megan and her partner Dario, which is the first time I've seen them since they returned from their summer holiday back home in WA. For the later part of the night, I sat around with Emma, Sally, Maree, Brendan, Nick & Kat and we answered Sally's silly questions like "if you were a fruit, what fruit would you be?" and played her "shag, marry or kill" and "eat and live or shag and die" games.

It was fun and, luckily, the splitting migraine I'd had earlier in the afternoon was calmed by tablets and was barely more than a small pain and sleepiness all night, except when the slightly tipsy Maree kept talking in her loudest teacher voice!

We didn't get home til around 1am and I didn't get to sleep til after 2am. At one point, early in the morning, someone going to the toilet woke me up after they didn't close the bathroom door when washing their hands, which is always so annoying as the toilet is right next to my room and the bathroom is directly opposite the very teeny corridor. However, I got back to sleep again and the next time I woke up was when Mum started banging the toilet and bathroom doors. It was if she was trying to find the loudest, most effective way of waking me! I really wish she hadn't, because I was sleeping so well and I've had much less sleep this week because I'm still unable to get to sleep too early, but have to get up very early for work. However, it turned out that it was 2:30pm!

Now I kinda feel a bit funny and I'm not sure if I've still got a bit of a migraine, or if I'm just a bit tired from the week, or if it's simply the strangeness of sleeping so late.

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All content copyright Janette 2003. Headings from Sway by Bic Runga and Forgive Me by Evanescence.