is me.

~Website Woes
2005-05-23 - 6:30 p.m.

Well, *HUFF*. I wish I'd saved the conversation I had with Emma last night, now.

I redesigned the VSS web site and was feeling a little proud. It still isn't quite as professional-looking as I'd like, but it incorporates our logo nicely and is much better than the original version.

So Emma, that lovely, supportive-of-things-she's-not-interested-in best friend of mine, when we were IMing last night, asked if I'd made the web site. I replied (with tentative pride) that I had made the new design, yes. She replied with something like "Then can you get the sound of us singing on there?" I suppose it doesn't sound as bad here as it felt at the time, but there was no "Ooh, well done, good effort," let alone "It looks really good, best friend-of-whom-I-am-so-supportive." I mean, even if she didn't like it, she's a teacher, she could have come up with something encouraging and positive to say about it. How many web sites of official organisations does she run? I even showed her the old design, and she agreed that it was pretty crappy - as if mine was, at least, not very crappy.


And, the funny thing is, I was a bit hurt at the time, but I forgot about it. At the time, I think I even said something like, "Well at least some of my internet friends thought it looked nice, and they're all really good web designers themselves," but I'm not sure I even got a response to that comment.

It's not that I think she's being mean - chances are she was eating dinner or paying bills or something at the same time and just wasn't really paying attention - but I just feel it was a bit insensitive of her. I mean, I pretty obviously hinted for some kind of affirmation and received nothing. I was too scared to ask outright what she thought of it. Considering it's not my best web site design, that all kind of made me feel a bit fragile about it.

But then, today I received two emails from people on the VSS committee (oh wait, one is the president and the other is the spouse of a committee member and the one who designed the web site) and they were both very complimentary. So *HUFF* to Emma!

A part of me sometimes worries that I give an unbalanced impression of Emma in my journals. I seem to mention her most when she's somehow offended my over-sensitive feelings or pride. I've decided that I don't really care anymore. I love having Emma as my best friend, and she is my closest and main friend with whom I can chat and giggle away for ages, but she sometimes does hurt my feelings and it's not like most people who read this will probably ever meet her, anyway, so who cares if you get a very negative impression of her. Anyway, I think I'm normally too mild to really paint her very black unfairly.

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All content copyright Janette 2003. Headings from Sway by Bic Runga and Forgive Me by Evanescence.