is me.

~Nighttime Options
2005-10-29 - 10:48 p.m.

Even if I was more active (which would mean my neck/back problems would be much less), I still wouldn't be able to do all my hobbyish things well. As it is I spend far too much time just sitting at the computer or the TV (I get too tired in the evenings after work to do much else), but at least that's upright. What I'd really love to do with my time is read, play the piano, make jewellery, sketch and so forth. Unlike just sitting (which makes me stiffer and doesn't help me get better), those activities usually make me hurt.

I'm not a very tidy person - I think it's my procrastinative nature: I tend to put things down and think "I'll put them away properly later," but, of course, later I'm too tired and just shove them out of the way - but I don't like living in mess. I like things to be neat and tidy and organised. The problem is that, once I've had a little while of being too tired to put things away initially, the tidying becomes too big a job for my back. This evening, for instance, I've been at a loose end (which isn't to say there isn't school work I could be doing, but I'm sick and have three more days of long weekend, give me ONE day of rest and relaxation), and I began tidying the pile of clothes that's been hanging around since my Queensland trip (from whence I returned and left my suitcase blocking the way to my drawers and my wardrobe). I didn't get very far because it's all bending and kneeling. That's the other thing - I can't kneel because it tends to stretch out my foot, which inflames the facia/tendons. Ew.

If I was a more active person, maybe my general health would be better and I could do little things like tidy for twenty minutes without it pushing my health significantly backwards. The problem is that my health is just how it is right now and I do have to take the wussy option and avoid the twenty minutes of cleaning. I also end up back at the computer because my only alternatives at 9:30pm are TV (no good ergonomically unless I'm in the loungeroom armchairs and Dad's home so he's taken over the loungeroom) or those other bendy-over activities I love.

OK, almost 11pm, going to bed now. My new matress arrives in a week!

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All content copyright Janette 2003. Headings from Sway by Bic Runga and Forgive Me by Evanescence.