is me.

~Didn't Think I Had Much To Say
2006-01-07 - 12:39 p.m.

I find it quite exciting that so many people I know are getting married. It just gets awkward because I suddenly feel rude if I invite just my friend around. In the case of Dianne or Megan, it's no problem at all having Tim and Dario tag along, but I don't always want Maree's Brendan, or EmmaH & Alysha's hubbies around when I'm catching up with the girls. Take my birthday, for instance. It's not that I really mind having all the partners along (because I don't, really), but the friends that I'd invite number...around eight or ten. If you add the partners, then I've suddenly got at least 15 people and it becomes a big deal. Also, if I invite "Emma and Lacchie", then Lacchie probably feels obliged to come, whereas I couldn't care less whether he came or not, but because I don't really mind if he does come, it feels rude not to include him in the invitiation! It's silly!

I meant to go for a walk that past two days, but both times I forgot and, by the time Mum & Dad were going out, I didn't really feel like walking with them. Yesterday I didn't get up til about 2:30pm. I woke up around 10am, but just decided to stay in bed watching TV (well, I slept for another hour then lazed in bed). It was lovely, but not at all good for my back and neck, so I should've gone for a walk. I don't like walking in the middle of the day, especially in Summer. It's supposed to get to 26 today, which is nice, but that makes it quite hot exercising in the middle of the day with the sun beating down. It also means I have to wear and hat & sunscreen, whereas if I go before 10am or around 8pm, it's still light enough but the sun's much lower and it's more pleasant and less hassle.

Hopefully Jen & Martin will take the kids home early after dinner when they visit tonight and I'll have enough energy to make myself get out walking then. Earlier this month I wasn't feeling so good and it was hot and/or rainy, so I had excuses for not walking. For the past few days I've had none. Maree and I went down to Anakie Gorge and did a 45min bush walk about four days ago, but that's all I've really done.

Oh goodness, it's the 7th of January already! Where did all of those days disappear? Since I'm not earning anything this holidays, a part of me can't wait for the holidays to end. I realised yesterday, though, that all these plans and arrangements that I HAVE to make for my OS trip are totally pushing to the back any worries I have about being a CRT this year. I'm not ready to start panicking about that, so it's probably best that I don't wish for first term to begin just yet!

My car insurance bill is expensive. I probably should ring around and see if I can get a better quote now that the bill is due within the month, but I've just earned rating 1 for life and I don't want to switch if it means l'll lose that, even if I start on rating 1. It's annoying that I'm still under 25. If the silly thing could just wait another month to be due, then my premium should go down because I'll be 25. About the only good thing about turning 25.

I keep forgetting, too, that my private insurance probably won't pay for all my medical expenses for getting my wisdom teeth removed. Besides, I just realised that I'll turn 25 before I'll probably have the operation, which means I mayn't be able to be included on Mum & Dad's insurance anymore. Of course, I pay for myself, but it comes to less than having insurance in my own right. Something else to chase up! *sigh* It's probably three weeks since I was at the travel agent now. I'd better start making some proper arrangements! The longer I leave it, the more worried about money I become and the less I want to go (at least, the less I want to go money-wise. I definitely want to go in every other way)!

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All content copyright Janette 2003. Headings from Sway by Bic Runga and Forgive Me by Evanescence.