is me.

~I hate deadlines
2006-10-18 - 8:50 a.m.

Second-worst case scenario: I don't have work today, so I luckily am able to work on my application for one of the possible jobs for next year; the application is due in tomorrow and I'm working tomorrow. However, I've had a headache all week (bleh, thought I was over this) and haven't felt like I've had enough sleep. Getting seven instead of nearly six hours last night still hasn't solved this.

Add to that the fact that I'm working Thursday and Friday and have choir committments all weekend, and I realise that this might be the only day that I have free to try to find something better for Megan's wedding than the really ordinary dress that I've already got. I'm leaving Thursday week, and I may get asked to work Mon-Tues-Wed (and would want to say "yes" because I won't be able to work for over a week after that).

The thing is, applications for Victorian Government schools require long responses to 4-8 Key Selection Criteria as a clear way of fairly ranking applicants. I have a feeling that I'm not going to be putting much effort into these...

And it's annoying, because I've also let myself become really daunted by the fact that this school is so large and so into Performing Arts. If I was starting at a more average-sized school of 14-16 classes, or at a school that had only had indifferent Performing Arts/Music programs that would be something I could cope with. Unfortunately, this school expects to grow to 22 classes next year, which means a very full teaching program for me and I'm wondering whether I really want to have to begin at a totally new school with that much of a workload. Would it maybe be easier just to try to get a classroom job at APS, where at least I already know the routine and am fairly enthusiastic?

So, because I'm tired, headachey, busy and doubtful, I can see me putting in a half-hearted effort for this application...and then what happens if I visit the school (or even get an interview!) and decide I really like it?? I'm too good at shooting myself in the foot.

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All content copyright Janette 2003. Headings from Sway by Bic Runga and Forgive Me by Evanescence.