is me.

~In Which Janette Finally Sorts Herself Out (somewhat)
2007-01-10 - 2:59 p.m.

Is this not a realisation I've already made? If it is, it seems that it's a realisation I have to make regularly.

I get too hectic. I spread myself too thin mentally.

I need to choose one or just a few things and focus on them intensively rather than trying to do everything and therefore doing nothing thoroughlly.

This year:

Singing lessons (new)
Teaching (CRT) - hopefully something a little more settled and inspiring arises.

So, if I'm adding singing lessons to my timetable for the year, then I now have two things that focus on music. That can cover my Performing Arts growth for now.

Other possibilities/ideas:

Computer/Internet skills (C++, PHP, Macromedia, movie making & editing)
ESL (TESOL course)
Languages (Auslan introductory course)
Excercise (gym membership, personal trainer)
Thinking skills (HoM, DeBono & Buzan courses)

As well as generally improving my teaching skills and marketability.

That's possibly too much.

It's the same with these jobs and portfolios and things.

So, what I need to do is simplify, break everything down into simple steps and prioritise.

So, right now, I do want to work on my digital portfolio but I'm going to work on the planning section and not worry about anything else for now. If I finish that, I might work on articulating some goals that are both genuine and sound good.

I'm going to leave my normal portfolio alone. If I finish enough of my digital portfolio, then I will see about reorganising my normal one into the Professional Standards as set out by the Victorian Institute of Teaching.

I will have to organise a singing teacher (maybe Sally's, since she gave me her number), but, otherwise, there's nothing I have to do except practise once I begin.

VSS I don't have to do anything for. I do intend to join the committee but I don't anticipate that this will be the hugest of jobs.

Now, out of ESL, Languages, Thinking Skills, Computer Skills and Excerise, the latter is obviously a priority.

So, I should continue on my already established (although recently ignored) program of walking regularly, doing stretches and trying to eat no terribly bad things. Further, I think I could eat more fruit and vegetables, I could ride more on the exercise bike (especially on days that I can't/don't get out for a walk), I could take my hand weights out more often when walking, I could increasing my walking time to a minimu of 40 minutes and I could maybe include some weight or muscle toning exercises. I'm slightly wary of doing the latter on my own, even if I look up reputable websites (such as the government's Better Health Channel website), but, at this stage, I think I could begin gently and carefully enough on my own.

I would be nice to get a gym membership and a personal trainer, it might motivate me to lose weight and become fit more agressively and effectively. I have lost a bit of weight over the past 18 months, but I've also put it back on whenever I've had reason to let my regime & discipline relax (i.e. my overseas trip and over Christmas-New Year), so I think having the training program might be more effective. Of course, that's all assuming that having paid the heaps of money for a gym membership I would actually be motivated to go. I do like the idea of getting comfortable at a gym, of being able to go once it's dark (in winter) or while it's hot or rainy outside. I also like the idea of getting into swimming more regularly (and that's really more my hairy underarms and legs that puts me off). It's just that I have a hard enough time sometimes forcing myself to go out for a walk, and that simply requires stepping out of the house and I'm doing it. At this stage, I think I should continue on my own and maybe reevaluate the usefulness of a gym membership with relation to my income in about a month.

There is an introduction to Auslan (Australian Sign Language) course at a local community centre for only $90 which would only take up one evening a week. I still think it might be worthwhile to focus just on the singing for now, since I often don't cope well with many after-work activities (choir is on a Saturday afternoon, or I don't think I could stick at it) and I suspect the Auslan course will come up again.

The TESOL course is a sign-up-whenever thing and would only take a month or two to complete (depending on how fast I worked - it's a self-paced online course), so I should definitely wait til I not only have the money but am sure the money is justified work-wise (that is, the course would actually be valuable for using in local schools and impressing local employers, not just as an international accreditation).

Thinking Skills things I'm defintely still interested in, so I think I should just keep my eyes open and if a PD opens up that seems to fit price- and time-wise, then I should take it, but I have enough reading to do and a lot things I can still practise in the classroom without needing more at the moment. I would like to become a qualified trainer in some of these things, but it doesn't have to be right now.

Computer skills is similar. I've got that C++ for dummies book from the library, so, for now, I will perhaps make an effort to spend some regular time working on and pracising some of those skills. I will also keep my eyes open for courses in the areas I'm interested, under the same conditions as the thinking skills course.

So, priorities:
Work on the planning area of my digital porfolio.
Make singing teacher inquiries.
Update CV & write application letter for independent school position.
Send in registration stuff to CRT agency.

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~The Outlook
~Angsty Future Worrying
~Exercise Determination
~Goals, Aspirations, Plans

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All content copyright Janette 2003. Headings from Sway by Bic Runga and Forgive Me by Evanescence.