I am feeling: The current mood of Janette at www.imood.com

2001-07-31 - ~Breadhead
2001-07-30 - ~A Series of Not-quites
2001-07-29 - ~Faaaascinating Stuff!
2001-07-27 - ~Emmasis, Lessons, Shallowness & Confidence
2001-07-27 - ~Lessons, Money & Displays
2001-07-26 - ~The Bored Procrastinator
2001-07-25 - ~Diaries and Diary Writers
2001-07-24 - ~Thoughts on Role Playing and Online Committments
2001-07-23 - ~Of Heathers and Heaters
2001-07-23 - ~I'm a Teacher!
2001-07-21 - ~Rarh I'm a Scary Belle
2001-07-21 - ~blurting everything out
2001-07-20 - ~A Request to My Friends
2001-07-19 - ~Friend Envy & Job Selling
2001-07-18 - ~Stay Away From Me! I'm Histrionic!
2001-07-18 - ~A Visit to Allans & Lots of Walking
2001-07-16 - ~On a Brighter Note!
2001-07-16 - ~Uni heh
2001-07-15 - ~AnnaMia & a Frustrating Night
2001-07-13 - ~Everybody needs jam
2001-07-13 - ~See Mah Background?
2001-07-13 - ~Bleh
2001-07-12 - ~I Love Cheezy Poofs
2001-07-11 - ~I don't wanna diiie!
2001-07-11 - ~Diaryring Idiots & Special Friends
2001-07-10 - ~Inadequacy
2001-07-10 - ~Bags of Attitude! (but no swearing, I promise!
2001-07-10 - ~Shit (*giggles* sorry, couldn't help myself...)
2001-07-08 - ~Let's Play Catch-Up
2001-07-06 - ~Cries
2001-07-04 - ~Sign My @$$...(oops! where did that come from?)
2001-07-04 - ~I Yam Offline!
2001-07-03 - ~Zooom Zoooom!
2001-07-03 - ~D-day
2001-07-02 - ~Janette the Tennis Star!
2001-07-02 - ~Tennis & Beatles
2001-07-01 - ~Rated R
2001-06-30 - ~Everybody Dosey-Doe!
2001-06-30 - ~Annoyances and Ponderings
2001-06-29 - ~Party Girls
2001-06-29 - ~Half-good news
2001-06-29 - ~Ahh, look at all the lonely people
2001-06-28 - ~My Heart-Rending Teaching Experience
2001-06-28 - ~Presents!
2001-06-28 - ~Pansies
2001-06-28 - ~Postives and Negatives
2001-06-27 - ~A-Ram-Sam-Sam
2001-06-24 - ~Blah
2001-06-24 - ~ G is for Gross
2001-06-23 - ~Pill-Poppin' Gal
2001-06-18 - ~I Got Home Early
2001-06-17 - ~I'm So Chipper!
2001-06-16 - ~FOURTH post for Saturday!
2001-06-16 - ~ More Mash
2001-06-16 - ~ MASH!
2001-06-16 - My Second Mummy
2001-06-13 - ~This Is Not About School
2001-06-11 - ~Up With Her Shelves!
2001-06-09 - ~Sooo Tired
2001-06-08 - ~Teaching Rounds
2001-06-05 - ~Interior Decorating
2001-06-05 - ~Lifestyle Changes and Story Plans
2001-06-04 - ~Graphics and Irritations
2001-06-02 - ~Berry Back, School Late
2001-06-02 - ~Bad Net Things!
2001-06-01 - ~I'm Eating Milo
2001-05-31 - Urgh?
2001-05-31 - Bounce Bounce
2001-05-31 - Short Songs
2001-05-30 - Nuts
2001-05-30 - Cows, I'm a Silly Gel
2001-05-30 - Exam, Assignment & Shopping Stresses
2001-05-28 - Self-Accepting or Undisciplined?
2001-05-28 - Ill in the Milky Way
2001-05-26 - Study, Mini Buddy & A Meeting With Viv
2001-05-24 - Janette's List
2001-05-24 - Music is Not for the Faint Hearted
2001-05-23 - Thoughts and Impressions from my Pre-Round Visit
2001-05-22 - Today Part Two
2001-05-22 - The Music Results Are In
2001-05-21 - Teaching Thoughts
2001-05-20 - Guilt, Fairness and Procrastination
2001-05-19 - New Look
2001-05-19 - Food, Music and Birthdays
2001-05-18 - Mooo! (the fitness report)
2001-05-15 - Study Sickness
2001-05-10 - I'm Sick!
2001-05-06 - Irish Dancing On My Assignment's Grave
2001-05-04 - Does God Exist?
2001-05-03 - Insomnia Woes
2001-05-02 - Filling the Blank Space - First Post

Current Entry
Who's Who?
Web Log
Reading List

Jun-Dec, 2003
Jan-May, 2003
Oct-Dec, 2002
Jul-Oct, 2002
Apr-Jun, 2002
Jan-Mar, 2002
Oct-Dec, 2001
Aug-Sep, 2001
May-Jul, 2001

All content copyright Janette 2003

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