I am feeling: The current mood of Janette at www.imood.com

2003-05-28 - ~Aaaand the Following Day
2003-05-27 - ~How I Feel Sometimes
2003-05-26 - ~Doom and Gloom
2003-05-24 - ~Aaahh Congestion! I'm Also Hungry
2003-05-20 - ~Health and Hygiene
2003-05-19 - ~My Health
2003-05-18 - ~A Fully Sick Night
2003-05-04 - ~DVDs and Kiddies
2003-04-27 - ~How Swiftly Passes the Time
2003-04-19 - ~Aussie Grumbles & A Good Thursday
2003-04-15 - ~The Ghost of Frienships Past
2003-04-14 - ~Dissatisfied
2003-04-13 - ~Mmmmm Food
2003-04-13 - ~Family Stories
2003-04-12 - ~More Thoughts On Classes
2003-04-11 - ~Classes
2003-04-06 - ~Arrg.
2003-04-05 - ~Schoolish Things
2003-03-30 - ~Windflowers
2003-03-30 - ~Nuthin' Much
2003-03-22 - ~Sick and a Lotta Chatting
2003-03-22 - ~Mostly War
2003-03-22 - ~Something I Wrote A Few Weeks Back
2003-03-08 - ~Problem Child
2003-03-03 - ~The End of A Workday
2003-02-23 - ~The Morning After the Party
2003-02-21 - ~Happy Birthday To Me
2003-02-19 - ~Overworked!!
2003-02-16 - ~The Edge of Reason
2003-02-11 - ~Just One Sentence
2003-02-09 - ~Like A Uni Student Again
2003-02-09 - ~Silly Silly Silly
2003-02-08 - ~All About Books
2003-02-05 - ~Mid-week Roundup
2003-02-01 - ~Vroom Vroom!
2003-01-30 - ~Do Your Dooty
2003-01-28 - ~First Day, A-OK
2003-01-27 - ~Racism in Australia
2003-01-26 - ~Bloo
2003-01-26 - ~Listy Lists!
2003-01-26 - ~The Hot Wedding Day
2003-01-24 - ~Fitness Centres
2003-01-24 - ~Yes, Yes, Let's Talk About the Weather
2003-01-23 - ~Eight of Cups
2003-01-22 - ~All About School (Mostly About Furniture)
2003-01-21 - ~Paying for Pinkness
2003-01-20 - ~WoT and Fitness
2003-01-19 - ~Googlicious
2003-01-19 - ~Designs and Communications
2003-01-19 - ~Yawn
2003-01-17 - ~That's The Glory Of Love
2003-01-16 - ~Kinda Bored
2003-01-16 - ~Game and Set Mr Potter
2003-01-15 - ~Money and Hugs
2003-01-13 - ~Designer Day
2003-01-12 - ~So Are the Days of My Life
2003-01-10 - ~Boring Friends
2003-01-09 - ~Friendship and Cynicism
2003-01-08 - ~It Came!!!
2003-01-08 - ~The Annals of Sleep
2003-01-07 - ~Petal Power
2003-01-06 - ~Web Sites Rant
2003-01-06 - ~Dimple
2003-01-05 - ~The Return of the Jam
2003-01-01 - ~Tidings of the New Year

Current Entry
Who's Who?
Web Log
Reading List

Jun-Dec, 2003
Jan-May, 2003
Oct-Dec, 2002
Jul-Oct, 2002
Apr-Jun, 2002
Jan-Mar, 2002
Oct-Dec, 2001
Aug-Sep, 2001
May-Jul, 2001

All content copyright Janette 2003

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