I am feeling: The current mood of Janette at www.imood.com

2002-03-30 - ~I've Got You, Babe...
2002-03-28 - ~Tales of the Walking Dead
2002-03-26 - ~Rainy Essay Days
2002-03-25 - ~Mooky
2002-03-25 - ~Work and Play
2002-03-24 - ~Projects Projects
2002-03-23 - ~Who Am I?
2002-03-22 - ~Little Miss Uni
2002-03-18 - ~EEEK
2002-03-16 - ~Quick Note
2002-03-15 - ~It's Been a Long Day
2002-03-12 - ~Ahhh...Take Cover!
2002-03-11 - ~Tests for the Bored
2002-03-10 - ~Feeling a Bit Blah
2002-03-08 - ~Being Home is Blah and Good
2002-03-07 - ~Quizzes and Pain
2002-03-04 - ~Test Mania
2002-03-04 - ~Give a Damn!
2002-03-02 - ~Quiz-o-matic
2002-03-01 - ~Behold, I am Ranty-Girl!
2002-02-23 - ~Kaplunk
2002-02-23 - ~Mookyness
2002-02-19 - ~Presents
2002-02-18 - ~Three Cheers For Stuff
2002-02-18 - ~Quizziness
2002-02-17 - ~Is That it Crumpled On the Floor?
2002-02-15 - ~Do You Hear the People Sing?
2002-02-14 - ~I Love Ze Air Conditioner
2002-02-13 - ~Huzzah!
2002-02-12 - ~Birthday Party Stuff
2002-02-08 - ~Excitement
2002-02-06 - ~I Don't Have Much To Say...But I Can't Turn Away...
2002-02-05 - ~Noteworthy
2002-02-03 - ~Like, Did I Pass the Quizzes?
2002-02-02 - ~Mostly Quizness
2002-02-01 - ~Plain Jane
2002-02-01 - ~Bored Babble
2002-01-31 - ~"I'm Mad Mother!!"
2002-01-28 - ~Ain't Got No Style
2002-01-27 - ~Yoo Nawty Persohn (*french accent a la Holy Grail*)
2002-01-27 - ~Small Travels
2002-01-25 - ~Chop It Off Koko!
2002-01-24 - ~No One Persecutes Harmless Crackpots Like Gaston
2002-01-22 - ~Four Seasons In One Day
2002-01-18 - ~Friday Afternoon
2002-01-18 - ~Friday Morning
2002-01-17 - ~Thursday Evening Addition
2002-01-17 - ~Later That Arvo
2002-01-17 - ~Thursday Afternoon
2002-01-16 - ~Wednesday Morning
2002-01-15 - ~Tuesday Night
2002-01-13 - ~Sunday Night
2002-01-13 - ~Yay!
2002-01-13 - ~Sunday Morning...
2002-01-13 - ~Saturday Night
2002-01-19 - ~Bits and Bobs of a Returning Body
2002-01-11 - ~If Only I Could Do Aerobics In My Sleep...
2002-01-10 - ~We're All Going On A...
2002-01-09 - ~But behind that fair facade...
2002-01-08 - ~I'm Usually the Listener
2002-01-08 - ~Teaching and Helping
2002-01-07 - ~Life Is a Waking Dream
2002-01-06 - ~Driftiness
2002-01-05 - ~Did I Write Anything Worthwhile In Here? Read In For Quizzes
2002-01-04 - ~Aerobics
2002-01-03 - ~Fortunes and Forcasts
2002-01-02 - ~Georgous
2002-01-02 - ~Tidings of the New Year

Current Entry
Who's Who?
Web Log
Reading List

Jun-Dec, 2003
Jan-May, 2003
Oct-Dec, 2002
Jul-Oct, 2002
Apr-Jun, 2002
Jan-Mar, 2002
Oct-Dec, 2001
Aug-Sep, 2001
May-Jul, 2001

All content copyright Janette 2003

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