I am feeling: The current mood of Janette at www.imood.com

2001-12-31 - ~Quick Note
2001-12-30 - ~Fnu Quiz Overkill
2001-12-30 - ~Quiz Queen
2001-12-29 - ~Kooky and Colourful
2001-12-29 - ~Of Friends and Chats
2001-12-29 - ~For Whom the Bass Beats
2001-12-28 - ~Gagging On a Cloud
2001-12-27 - ~Quizzes
2001-12-27 - ~Sleeeeeeeeeeep
2001-12-26 - ~Christmas Catch-up
2001-12-21 - ~Berry Something
2001-12-20 - ~Whee
2001-12-18 - ~A Short Message
2001-12-17 - ~Chatting With Demmy
2001-12-17 - ~Up Early
2001-12-16 - ~WoT Classes & Characters
2001-12-16 - ~This.n.That
2001-12-15 - ~Stupid Quiz
2001-12-14 - ~Poor Piggy, Failure & Photos
2001-12-13 - ~Slow-sending love
2001-12-13 - ~Feeling a Little Jealous, a Little Introspective
2001-12-11 - ~Christmas Party, Making Friends & Annoying Sister
2001-12-09 - ~No Excuse For Unclean Hair
2001-12-09 - ~Test Crazy
2001-12-08 - ~A Funny Time of Year
2001-12-07 - ~Some Poetry
2001-12-07 - ~Party Sorted & Fame
2001-12-07 - ~Banana Bender
2001-12-06 - ~Frahsty The Snowmaaaayn
2001-12-05 - ~Online Tests & Memory Lane
2001-12-05 - ~I Have My Keyboard Back!
2001-12-04 - ~Phoof!
2001-12-03 - ~That Is The Question
2001-12-03 - ~The Following Morning
2001-12-02 - ~This Evening
2001-12-02 - ~End of Rounds & Emma's Party
2001-11-29 - ~Wriggle Back Kiddies! Give Me Air!
2001-11-26 - ~Not As Bad As I Feared
2001-11-25 - ~Busy Weekend
2001-11-23 - ~Surviving
2001-11-20 - ~I'll Be Back Tomorrow...
2001-11-18 - ~The Well-Rounded Klavier
2001-11-17 - ~Sleeeepy
2001-11-17 - ~Cough Cough Cough
2001-11-14 - ~I'm Not Dead!
2001-11-07 - ~Friendships and Working
2001-11-05 - ~First Drive to the City
2001-11-04 - ~Quidditch and Colds
2001-11-03 - ~Teaching Rounds, Election & Carols by Candlelight
2001-10-27 - ~I Love My Friends
2001-10-24 - ~Driving Test
2001-10-23 - ~Not Long Now
2001-10-20 - ~Buggered
2001-10-18 - ~So Much Stuff Going On
2001-10-11 - ~Insecurity and Envy
2001-10-09 - ~Tired This Morning
2001-10-08 - ~How Could I Forget Harry?
2001-10-08 - ~Old Friends, Good Friends & Pants
2001-10-06 - ~Survey Jam Style
2001-10-05 - ~Overworked But Christmas Has Arrived Early

Current Entry
Who's Who?
Web Log
Reading List

Jun-Dec, 2003
Jan-May, 2003
Oct-Dec, 2002
Jul-Oct, 2002
Apr-Jun, 2002
Jan-Mar, 2002
Oct-Dec, 2001
Aug-Sep, 2001
May-Jul, 2001

All content copyright Janette 2003

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