I am feeling: The current mood of Janette at www.imood.com

2001-09-30 - ~Turn-around
2001-09-27 - ~Mookeh
2001-09-25 - ~Socks
2001-09-25 - ~Annoyances, Faults & the Brownlow
2001-09-24 - ~Nothing to Say
2001-09-23 - ~Oh Muuuummm!!!!
2001-09-23 - ~Note To Self
2001-09-23 - ~I Was Made Sensitive
2001-09-20 - ~Where Oh Where Has My Entry Gone?
2001-09-19 - ~Blahblahblah I go
2001-09-18 - ~Hungry
2001-09-17 - ~Kyodai!
2001-09-16 - ~Sunny Days
2001-09-15 - ~I'm taking a trip on a Government ship 10,000 miles away
2001-09-14 - ~Some Good & Some Moopy Stuff
2001-09-12 - ~Dear Friends!
2001-09-12 - ~New York, New York
2001-09-12 - ~Don't Mention the War
2001-09-09 - ~Exam, Driving & Surprise Party
2001-09-06 - ~My Cup Runneth Over
2001-09-05 - ~Car Accident, Irritablity & a Letter
2001-09-04 - ~I'm An Insomniac
2001-09-02 - ~All Stuff About Friends
2001-09-01 - ~Archiving Day
2001-08-31 - ~Of Diaries and Web Logs
2001-08-31 - ~Little Positives and Negatives
2001-08-31 - ~Dreams
2001-08-31 - ~A Family Ranty Morning
2001-08-30 - ~I'm Gonna Fail My Exam!!
2001-08-29 - ~Blah?
2001-08-28 - ~Tired Sighs
2001-08-27 - ~Self-affirmation, good friends & smelly piggy
2001-08-27 - ~Lazy Bum
2001-08-26 - ~The Jolly Book
2001-08-25 - ~The Battle of the Migraine
2001-08-23 - ~All Alone Tonight
2001-08-21 - ~Welcome to My Morning
2001-08-19 - ~Lemming of the BDA-ayyy (or "Presents")
2001-08-18 - ~Floofy Role Playing
2001-08-18 - ~Not Hypothetical
2001-08-16 - ~Beautiful, Bitter, Funny & Bittersweet
2001-08-13 - ~Babblehead
2001-08-13 - ~And you thought I was sane...
2001-08-12 - ~Pathetic Guy! Gah!
2001-08-12 - ~AnnaMia why?
2001-08-12 - ~Silly parents, special friends
2001-08-10 - ~Safe and Happy
2001-08-10 - ~I Quit!
2001-08-05 - ~Chocolate & Freedom
2001-08-04 - ~Helping
2001-08-02 - ~A Postcard & Babble

Current Entry
Who's Who?
Web Log
Reading List

Jun-Dec, 2003
Jan-May, 2003
Oct-Dec, 2002
Jul-Oct, 2002
Apr-Jun, 2002
Jan-Mar, 2002
Oct-Dec, 2001
Aug-Sep, 2001
May-Jul, 2001

All content copyright Janette 2003

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